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Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Probing quasiparticle properties in ultracold fermionic gases via Raman transitions

Avishay Grinberg, Physics Department, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Hafia, Israel
A gas of ultracold fermionic atoms with tunable interactions serves as an excellent quantum simulator for many fermionic condensed matter systems. more

Group seminar at LMU and via Zoom: Photonic Time-Crystals and Light-Matter Interactions therein

Mordechai (Moti) Segev from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Photonic Time Crystals (PTCs) are dielectric media whose refractive index is strongly modulated periodically in time at time scales of a single optical cycle. These systems conserve momentum but not energy more

Group seminar at LMU and Zoom: Atom-Photon Entanglement Distribution in a Quantum Link between LMU and MPQ

Marvin Scholz,  Quantum Dynamics Division, MPQ Garching, Germany
In this talk, I present the distribution of atom-photon entanglement between the distant laboratories of Prof. Weinfurter at LMU and Prof. Rempe at MPQ. more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Programming waveguide QED and optical-lattice Fermi-Hubbard quantum simulators

Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela, CSIC Madrid, Spain
In this talk, I will review two recent works related on how to harness programmable simulators based on waveguide QED and fermionic optical lattices. more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Kinetic magnetism and stripe order in the antiferromagnetic bosonic t −J model

Tim Harris, LMU Munich, Germany
Unraveling the complex interplay between spin and charge degrees-of-freedom in strongly correlated systems is a key challenge in quantum many-body physics. more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Error-corrected fermionic quantum processors with neutral atoms

Robert Ott, IQOQI/Innsbruck, Austria
Many-body fermionic systems can be simulated in a hardware-efficient manner using a fermionic quantum processor. more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Cold-atom analogues for vacuum decay

Alex Jenkins, University of Cambridge, UK
False vacuum decay plays a pivotal role in many models of particle physics and the early Universe. more

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