
Superlattices under the microscope

One of the most promising paths in the field of quantum simulation consists in studying interacting ultracold atoms in optical lattices, thus realizing the famous Hubbard model mimicking the behavior of interacting electrons in solids. Such an approach is particularly powerful when combined with the technique of quantum gas microscopy, which allows to “see” individual particles and explore microscopic correlations between them. more

Formation of individual stripes in a mixed-dimensional cold-atom Fermi–Hubbard System

The relation between d-wave superconductivity and stripes is fundamental to the understanding of ordered phases in high-temperature cuprate superconductors. more

Local Readout and Control of Current and Kinetic Energy Operators in Optical Lattices

Using quantum gas microscopes, the wavefunction of a quantum system can be probed with microscopic resolution through projective measurements. By nature of the optical imaging techniques that are used to implement these measurements, the observable that is probed is the local density operator -- each atom in the underlying lattice geometry appears as a bright dot in the recorded image. more

Real-space detection and manipulation of topological edge modes with ultracold atoms

Topological materials, in contrast to "ordinary" materials host edge modes which enable dissipation-free transport along the system's boundary. The transport enabled by the edge mode is robust to imperfections of the crystal and small variations of the system parameters - it is topologically protected.
This protection of the edge mode is intriguing, as small variations in the system do not alter the conductance of the edge mode, a phenomenon famously observed in the quantum Hall effect and used in the redefinition of the International System of Units (SI)  units in 2019. Directly observing this edge transport is intriguing, more

Fine-Structure Qubit Encoded in Metastable Strontium Trapped in an Optical Lattice

There are three promising candidates for high-quality qubits in two-electron atoms. First, a valence electron can be excited on an ultranarrow optical transition (clock qubit). Second, the spin of the nucleus can be excited using Raman or microwave transitions (nuclear qubit). Third, the spin of the valence electron can be flipped (fine-structure qubit). more

Xing-Yan in the finalist for the renowned Deborah Jin Doctoral Thesis Award

Xing-Yan Chen was selected as one of four finalists in the Deborah Jin Doctoral Thesis Award Session at the 2024 DAMOP annual meeting.

Congratulations Xing-Yan! We are really happy for you! more

A detailed look into the 2D SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard Model

One of the important elements at the core of physics is the symmetry of a physical system. This can be a classical "left-right"-symmetry that we all know from everyday life, but also a symmetry that is expressed in other, more unusual properties. On fundamentally "quantum" property is the quantum "spin", which describes a kind of internal rotation of an object which only exists in quantum mechanics. more

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