Professor Dan Stamper-Kurn has won a Humboldt Research Award

The award is conferred on established investigators from abroad to enable them to undertake collaborative projects with designated colleagues in Germany. Moreover, the Board of Directors of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics has honoured Prof. Stamper-Kurn an MPQ Distinguished Scholar, in appreciation of his groundbreaking contributions to the field of Ultracold Quantum Gases and Quantum Optics. Prof. Stamper-Kurn arrived in Munich in January 2018, where he is pleased to be hosted by Prof. Immanuel Bloch. He is Professor at the University of California in Berkeley, he is also affiliated with the Materials Sciences Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and heads the Science Definition team of the Bose-Einstein Condensation Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL) – a collaborative endeavor of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and NASA that aims to conduct quantum gas experiments aboard the International space Station (ISS).
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