Group seminar at LMU and Zoom: A phase microscope for quantum gases

July 16, 2024

Justus Brüggenjürgen, University of Hamburg, Germany
Group seminar at LMU seminar room and Zoom
Tuesday, 16 July, 09:00am (MEZ)

Abstract: Gaining insights into the complete wavefunction of a many-body system is fundamental for understanding its underlying mechanisms. Quantum gas microscopes have emerged as powerful tools capable of resolving density distributions on individual lattice sites, thus enabling precise reconstruction of the density component of the full wavefunction. Recent advancements have extended this capability to include the resolution of additional observables such as current and energy. In this study, we present an innovative approach to resolve the phase of the wavefunction. Using the matter-wave microscope we achieve lattice site resolution of our triangular lattice of tubes. By harnessing the Talbot effect, we can measure coherence within the system and observe the loss of coherence for deeper lattice depths. Our method holds promise for detecting phases on each lattice creating a full fledged phase microscope in the future.

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