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Journal Article (148)

Journal Article
Trautmann, J.; Yankelev, D.; Klüsener, V.; Park, A. J.; Bloch, I.; Blatt, S.: 1S03P2 magnetic quadrupole transition in neutral strontium. Physical Review Research 5, 013219 (2023)
Journal Article
Srakaew, K.; Weckesser, P.; Hollerith, S.; Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: A subwavelength atomic array switched by a single Rydberg atom. Nature Physics 2023 (2023)
Journal Article
Duda, M.; Chen, X.; Schindewolf, A.; Bause, R.; Milczewski, J. v.; Schmidt, R.; Bloch, I.; Luo, X.: Transition from a polaronic condensate to a degenerate Fermi gas of heteronuclear molecules. Nature Physics 2023 (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, X.; Schindewolf, A.; Eppelt, S.; Bause, R.; Duda, M.; Biswas, S.; Karman, T.; Hilker, T. A.; Bloch, I.; Luo, X.: Field-linked resonances of polar molecules. Nature 614, pp. 59 - 63 (2023)
Journal Article
Hirthe, S.; Chalopin, T.; Bourgund, D.; Bojovic, P.; Bohrdt, A.; Demler, E.; Grusdt, F.; Bloch, I.; Hilker, T. A.: Magnetically mediated hole pairing in fermionic ladders of ultracold atoms. Nature 613, pp. 463 - 467 (2023)
Journal Article
Bause, R.; Christianen, A.; Schindewolf, A.; Bloch, I.; Luo, X.: Ultracold Sticky Collisions: Theoretical and Experimental Status. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2023)
Journal Article
Kohlert, T.; Scherg, S.; Sala, P.; Pollmann, F.; Madhusudhana, B. H.; Bloch, I.; Aidelsburger, M.: Exploring the Regime of Fragmentation in Strongly Tilted Fermi-Hubbard Chains. Physical Review Letters 130, 010201 (2023)
Journal Article
Bloch, I.; Greiner, M.: The superfluid-to-Mott insulator transition and the birth of experimental quantum simulation COMMENT. Nature Reviews Physics 2022 (2022)
Journal Article
Flannigan, S.; Pearson, N.; Low, G.; Buyskikh, A.; Bloch, I.; Zoller, P.; Troyer, M.; Daley, A.: Propagation of errors and quantitative quantum simulation with quantum advantage. Quantum Science and Technology 7 (4), 045025 (2022)
Journal Article
Darkwah Oppong, N.; Pasqualetti, G.; Bettermann, O.; Zechmann, P.; Knap, M.; Bloch, I.; Fölling, S.: Probing transport and slow relaxation in the mass-imbalanced Fermi-Hubbard model. Physical Review X 12, 031026 (2022)
Journal Article
Daley, A. J.; Bloch, I.; Kokail, C.; Flannigan, S.; Pearson, N.; Zoller, P.; Troyer , M.: Practical quantum advantage in quantum simulation. Nature 607, pp. 667 - 676 (2022)
Journal Article
Park, A. J.; Trautmann, J.; Šantić, N.; Klüsener, V.; Heinz , A.; Bloch, I.; Blatt, S.: Cavity-Enhanced Optical Lattices for Scaling Neutral Atom Quantum Technologies to Higher Qubit Numbers. PRX Quantum 3, 030314 (2022)
Journal Article
Schindewolf, A.; Bause, R.; Chen, X.; Duda, M.; Karman, T.; Bloch, I.; Luo, X.: Evaporation of microwave-shielded polar molecules to quantum degeneracy. Nature 607, pp. 677 - 681 (2022)
Journal Article
Wei, D.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Ye, B.; Machado, F.; Kemp, J.; Srakaew, K.; Hollerith, S.; Rui, J.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Yao, N. Y. et al.: Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion. Science 376 (6594), pp. 716 - 720 (2022)
Journal Article
Chen, X.; Duda, M.; Schindewolf, A.; Bause, R.; Bloch, I.; Luo, X.: Suppression of Unitary Three-body Loss in a Degenerate Bose-Fermi Mixture. Physical Review Letters 128 (15), 153401 (2022)
Journal Article
Klostermann, T.; Cabrera, C. R.; von Raven, H.; Wienand, J. F.; Schweizer, C.; Bloch, I.; Aidelsburger, M.: Fast long-distance transport of cold cesium atoms. Physical Review A 105 (4), 043319 (2022)
Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Srakaew, K.; Wei, D.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Adler, D.; Weckesser, P.; Kruckenhauser, A.; Walther, V.; van Bijnen, R.; Rui, J. et al.: Realizing distance-selective interactions in a Rydberg-dressed atom array. Physical Review Letters 128 (11), 113602 (2022)
Journal Article
Bohrdt, A.; Homeier, L.; Bloch, I.; Demler, E. A.; Grusdt, F.: Strong pairing in mixed-dimensional bilayer antiferromagnetic Mott insulators. Nature Physics 18, pp. 651 - 656 (2022)
Journal Article
Sompet, P.; Hirthe, S.; Bourgund, D.; Chalopin, T.; Bibo, J.; Koepsell, J. M.S.; Bojovic, P.; Verresen, R.; Pollmann, F.; Salomon, G. et al.: Realizing the symmetry-protected Haldane phase in Fermi-Hubbard ladders. Nature 606 (7914), pp. 484 - 488 (2022)
Journal Article
Madhusudhana, B. H.; Scherg, S.; Kohlert, T.; Bloch, I.; Aidelsburger, M.: Benchmarking a Novel Efficient Numerical Method for Localized 1D Fermi-Hubbard Systems on a Quantum Simulator. PRX Quantum 2, 040325 (2021)