Caesium Quantum Gas Microscope
A quantum gas microscope for strongly interacting topological phases.
This is a collaboration with the group of Monika Aidelsburger. We have built a new Quantum Gas Microscope experiment with bosonic Caesium atoms at LMU to study topological many-body phases of matter. We will make use of the unique possibilities offered by high-resolution imaging techniques to investigate topological many-body phenomena in these lattices.
2023/06 Our new preprint titled ‘Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems’ is now on the arXiv.
2022/12 Just in time for christmas, we finished a publication about our deep-learning based single-site reconstruction scheme.
We propose a novel technique based on a convolutional autoencoder which enables us to reconstruct the lattice occupation with high fidelity even though our lattice spacing is more than two times smaller than our imaging resolution (383.5nm lattice spacing vs. 850nm Rayleigh resolution).
You can read all about it on the arXiv.

2022/11 Sophie successfully finished her Master’s Thesis. Congratulations Sophie!
2022/11 Ignacio Pérez joined our team as a Master student. Welcome Ignacio!
2022/10 Simon Karch joined our team as a PhD student. Welcome Simon!
2022/10 Scott successfully finished his Master’s Thesis and will pursue a PhD in Henning Moritz’ group in Hamburg. Congratulations Scott!
2022/09 Hendrik successfully defended his PhD Thesis on "A new Caesium quantum gas microscope with precise magnetic field control". Congratulations Hendrik! 🎉
2022/02 Till successfully defended his PhD Thesis on the "Construction of a Caesium Quantum Gas Microscope". Congratulations Till! 🎉
2021/10 Sophie Häfele has joined our team as a Master student. Welcome Sophie!
2021/09 Scott Hubele has joined our team as a Master student. Welcome Scott!
2021/09 Our first article on "Fast long-distance transport of cold cesium atoms" is on the arXiv!

2021/09 Single atoms
We observed our first single Caesium atoms using fluorescence imaging and molasses cooling.

2021/04/16 Rebuilt the experiment section to install final coil upgrades

2021/01/01 Alex joined us as a PhD student! Welcome Alex!
2020/07/01 Julian joined us as a PhD student. Welcome Julian!
2020/05/13 We got our first BEC!

Team members

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- +49 89 2180 6119 (Office) // -6127
- +49 89 2180 6133 (Office) // -6127 (Lab) //
- +49 89 2180 6119 (Office) // -6127 (Lab) //
- +49 89 2180 6133 (Office) // -6127 (Lab)